Opening Your First Restaurant

Opening your very own restaurant can be an exciting prospect. The food industry is a good business to get in to. Many people prefer dining outside, especially on special occasions, for business meetings and whenever they lack the time or the drive to cook. However, it is extremely tricky to start your own restaurant as a lot of establishments close within their first year.

To avoid that pitfall, take note of the following tips and get assistance from a PowerPoint presentation design expert.

Solidify Your Concept

Every restaurant needs a good, solid concept along with their brand identity. This can range from deciding the target market to the name of the restaurant, but before anything else, you need to decide on your target customer first. Are you targeting people in their mid-30s? Or are you interested in tapping the millennial market?

Once you have decided your niche, you may form your brand into a concept that will appeal to them. This will include the identity of your restaurant and the type of food you serve. Sometimes, restaurateurs base the name of their restaurant on their menu.

The food that you serve at your establishment must be in line with the theme that you have chosen. The menu is an integral part of the process as it will influence the kind of staff you’ll hire and the equipment that you will need. It will also be the main draw of your restaurant.

Be mindful that your menu must have a form of unity, whether it comes from the same cuisine or type of food. You are free to refine your menu by taking note which items are selling or trending. Remember, you don’t need a complicated menu!

After doing your market research, you will know which area is the most receptive to your restaurant’s concept. Scope out a location in that area and secure it. Even if the distance is an issue, take note that the perfect location is vital for a successful restaurant.

Get Funded

A business plan helps you address the possible problems that you may encounter. A plan also helps you to find investors for your venture. This will be a little tricky as it’s more challenging to find an investor willing to finance a restaurant since food establishments tend to have a higher failure rate compared to other businesses. You can win over investors with a killer presentation, so you need to quickly become a PowerPoint design expert or hire one.

Lay Your Foundations

Make sure that you research the licenses that you will need for your state. Take note that the paperwork can take a long time to get approved.

Laying the groundwork for your restaurant also means being careful on how you map out the layout of your restaurant floor, from the receiving area to the kitchen. The layout should also match the theme and optimize the performance of your staff.

You must also find an affordable supplier where you can source your ingredients and top-grade equipment for your restaurant. The last step is to hire your staff. Make sure to hire the perfect person for the position, one whose skills will fit the concept of your restaurant.

Get the Word Out

The last step before opening your restaurant is to let the world know that your establishment exists. You have both traditional and social media advertising at your disposal, but as with the foundation of your restaurant, you need to learn the best channel where you can reach your target market. To put it simply, your advertising and marketing campaigns should fit your concept so you attract the right people.

You may have the concept and ideas, but you would still need investors to take a chance on your vision. SlideGenius can help you come up with a killer PowerPoint presentation to “wow” them! Feel free to check out our PowerPoint Templates here—or give us a call should you need assistance with PowerPoint presentation design.

Fascinating Financiers For Your Financial Firm

Starting a financial firm requires more than a good name. It might be daunting at first but a good business plan can put you on the right track. Once you have a solid business plan (which includes a strong marketing plan) for your dream company, it’s time to get some funding.

Getting your startup financed is quite challenging as you might need to knock on every door, both literally and figuratively.

Where do you find investors?

Startup companies are more prevalent today as more and more millennials try and break away from the traditional big company careers. To answer this demand, the number of investors has risen, particularly angel investors, individuals that invest in entrepreneurs and startups.

There are networking sites that can connect you to angel investors, venture capitalists, and crowdfunding sites where you would need to present your product concept so that interested consumers can fund for its completion.

You may also go the more traditional route… go to private equity firms and small business administrations with passion in your heart and your proposal in your hand.

Research is Key

Before you reach out to investors, it’s essential that you first do market research to determine your target market and if there’s a demand for your financial services. If you have a target in mind, determine if there’s a demand in that sector. This is the stage where you solidify your company goals and the audience that you will cater to, what they want and what appeals to them. Market research can also help you shape your marketing plan and lay the groundwork for your pitch deck.

Put Together a Solid Marketing Plan

Whether it’s a financial consulting firm or a financial planning firm, you will need to attract investors to finance your dream company. One way to do so is to show that you can attract potential clients and grow your company’s presence with your marketing strategy.

Once you have formed your strategy, make sure to place it on a PowerPoint presentation to show to your potential investors. They will be interested to find out how you’re going to get your name and services out there. For maximum impact, you may avail the services of a PowerPoint expert (you could do so right now by clicking here).

Impress Them with a Pitch Deck

Along with your marketing strategy, it’s also advisable to create a pitch deck to present to your potential investors. A pitch deck is particularly important for startup companies as they are a way to communicate the vision you have to your investors. The deck gives a snapshot of the company along with the products and services that you offer. A compelling pitch deck starts with the problem that you are trying to address. Make sure that you have the numbers to back your claim.

Once you have highlighted the severity of the problem, explain the demand and that your solution is the ideal among your competitors. For a more in-depth discussion on creating pitch decks, feel free to read one of our articles here.

Show Them What You’ve Got

You’ve got a great pitch deck and marketing plan. You’ve done the research and you’ve found an investor. Now it’s time to show them your passion and commitment to your cause. Since they are basically taking a risk with their finances, they will want to get a feel for your dedication to your company’s work.

Investors are taken with people who speak positively and will do whatever it takes to succeed with their ventures. They are also looking for companies who are committed, who are all-in one hundred percent.

If you want your pitch deck done professionally to save yourself the effort, you may contact companies that provide assistance with investor presentations.

We at SlideGenius make it a point to help starting businesses achieve their goals by providing top-notch presentation services and resources. Feel free to check out our PowerPoint Templates here or give us a call should you wish for us to help you out!

Pitch Perfect: How to Develop Your Voice for Effective Presentations

When presenting in front of an audience, your voice plays a large role in how you are perceived. Both your credibility and confidence are put on full display the moment you start to speak. While this may sound daunting, it shows how much your vocal delivery can make for a more effective presentation. Just think of your voice as a presentation tool that can shape how your content is received.

Developing good vocal skills can elevate and distinguish yourself as a presentation expert. The following are the facets of your voice to work on for more effective presentations:


The pitch of your voice can dictate the overall mood and feel of your presentation. While those with naturally low voices innately sound more authoritative, those with higher pitched voices sound friendlier and more welcoming. It’s important to be able to have control of your pitch to match the personality of the content you are presenting. Achieving that harmony in your speech will strengthen your message.


As the presenter, you are the one controlling the pace of the entire room. While a slow pace lets you enunciate and create emphasis, speaking fast indicates passion and a rush of emotion. By alternating your tempo between fast, slow, and medium speeds, you make your speech come off as more engaging and natural. This mix-up of pace makes for a conversational tone.


Before you deliver your pitch, it’s important to consider the room you’re presenting in and adjust the volume of your voice accordingly. You don’t want to be overly raising your voice inside a boardroom with four people. Your voice should be heard easily and clearly by the one sitting farthest from you. Consider your volume as well to add emphasis to important parts of your speech.

An additional tip would be to arrive at your presentation early. Use that extra time to get a good feel for the room and its acoustics. If possible, have someone run a sound check for you as well.


Never underestimate the power of a well-timed pause. Having good timing for pauses is a skill that takes time to master but can add so much when executed perfectly. Presentation specialists utilize pauses to build tension and emphasis. It’s a great way to break the monotony in speeches and ensure the audience is kept engaged throughout the presentation.

Pauses can also be used to transition to new ideas and topics seamlessly. Experienced speakers will instinctively use pauses to replace awkward filler words like “uhmm” and “ahhh”.

The key to making any pitch or presentation successful is keeping your audience engaged. By varying the vocals of your speech, you add depth and emphasis to your presentation while avoiding sounding monotone and dull. These subtle hints will ultimately help create a stronger impression on your audience.

Need some extra help on your next presentation? Contact us anytime! Our team is ready around-the-clock to create, stylize, or condense any kind of presentation. It’s our passion to deliver decks that are fully designed to be more effective and memorable!

Jumpstarting Your Construction Company

If you need to raise funds to jumpstart your construction company, you might need the help of a pitch presentation consultant to aid you in getting your target capital for your business.

Construction companies are a lucrative business, essential in building infrastructures. It is one of the fastest growing industries, doing their part to satisfy the housing demand. Apart from residential, there is also a demand for commercial construction as more businesses grow and require their very own office space.

If you are thinking of starting a construction company, here are a few things that can help you jumpstart your business.

Create a business plan

A business plan helps you determine the direction you want your business to take. It provides clarity and help you win over investors for your construction company.

Ask important questions like “Are you going to focus on remodeling or will you build a homes from the ground up?”

During this phase, you should also decide on your company’s structure. Are you going for a sole proprietorship? Or do you want a partner to help you with the company? Consult with your company’s attorney or accountant to determine which option would be best for your business.

Hire a professional PowerPoint service

Once you have polished your business plan and have a clear vision of your company, you will need capital to put all those plans into action. You may finance your business through several ways… you can go traditional and acquire the capital you need by tapping into your savings, applying for a bank loan or you can attract investors for your business.

Remember that investors are looking for businesses that have the potential for growth. This is where your business plan comes in. Back your ideas up with data and don’t forget to highlight your company’s story to set yourself apart from other startup construction companies.

If you want to increase your chances with investors, consider hiring a business presentation PowerPoint expert to help you create a first-class presentation. This gives you the extra push you need so you can open your dream construction company.

If you’re not sure how to make your own, don’t worry! You can have one made for you at affordable rates by clicking here.

Get legal

The next step in starting your company is to file the required documents to become a legal entity. Don’t forget to register your business, acquire the necessary documents (the name of your business, Tax ID number, etc.) and your business account.

Since the requirements needed vary from state to state, do not hesitate to inquire what papers are needed. Make sure you acquire all the needed licenses (business license, tradesman license) and permits before you operate your business.

Take note of the specific licenses that you will need. You will need to know the type of licenses that are required at the local, state and federal levels. If you’re unsure as to which Tax ID or licenses would be applicable to your company, it’s best to ask assistance from your attorney or a certified public accountant (CPA).

Part of the paperwork is getting your business and your employees insured. This protects you from liability and the interests of your employees.

If you already own construction equipment, it’s best to insure it so your business would not take a financial hit in case they get damaged. Check the insurance requirements for the state that you live in.

Set it up

Now that you’ve taken care of the paperwork, set up your company by acquiring tools and equipment. Construction equipment is expensive, but you can opt to lease them temporarily. If you can afford a few larger pieces, go for yard ramps and forklifts as they are a good investment for any construction firm.

As for laborers, you may source them by hiring employees, independent contractors, subcontractors or labor brokers.

Market it

Last but certainly not the least, start your online presence and connect with people to grow your professional network. Set up your website, make sure that all info is present and correct. This includes a short description of your company, services offered and contact details.

Set up your social media accounts and establish a network in the construction industry. Market your company online by churning out relevant content, promos and connecting with people.

To aid your marketing campaign, you can opt to create a PowerPoint presentation to help communicate your plans, whether in product management, promotions and advertisement of products. They can also help you show how you plan to price your services and merchandise.

Feel free to check out our PowerPoint Templates here—or give us a call should you need a business pitch presentation consultant!